
What is Rent-a-Teen?

Rent-a-Teen is a program Epic Church uses to help our middle and high school students go to camp each summer. Our goal is to make sure each of our kids has an opportunity to have a full week focused on learning about Jesus.
To help families be able to afford this, we depend on generous friends to hire our teens to do odd jobs around the house. Everything from mowing lawns, to painting walls, to moving boxes! It's a great opportunity to get some help around the house AND help these teens experience Jesus.

When Hiring a Teen:

Be Loving

Remember they are kids, not professionals! They will do the best job they can, but we are investing in who they are becoming!

Be Generous

We want you to get a great deal, but the goal is also to help these kids get to camp. Your generosity goes a long way!

Be Safe

We want our kids to work hard, but also be safe. So if there is a job that has injury risks (like falling or burns), we ask you leave those to the pros! Or maybe ask for the older kids who have more experience.

Hire a Teen Today!

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