
Ages 3 y.o. to 6th Grade

AWANA exists to see children (3 years old to 6th grade) know, love, and serve Jesus Christ. At AWANA, your children can learn life lessons from the Bible, and have an exciting time while participating in exciting games and activities. 

Our AWANA club meets with our friends at Morningstar Church (11010 E Kellogg Dr) every Wednesday during the school year from 6:30-8pm.


In Cubbies, 3-5 year old kids learn basic truths about God, Jesus, and salvation through fun handbooks, picture teaching cards, and more. Cubbies is a welcoming space for kids to learn and grow.


Sparks is for kids kindergarten thru 2nd grade. Sparkies grow in their faith through fun group lessons, discipleship activities, and awards.


T&T helps 3rd-6th graders learn more about God, the Bible, Jesus, and life application of Scripture. Each Grace in Action handbook has an illustrated story, along with great large group activities and discussions for every student.

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